OOH Insider Podcast - Uber Art with Jonathan Gudai (Adomni) and Rob Anders (Niio Art)
Published: October 7, 2020
Have you seen the exciting news from Uber?
Art on top of rideshare cars on digital screens!
Wait, what?
Yeah, seriously...it's pretty cool and you should check it out.
In fact, here's a link to do just that (this is the one we shared during the episode)...
Pretty neat, right? I have to be honest, I love this partnership between Niio/Adomni/Uber because it really is nice to look at and in a world where we are bombarded by advertising, everywhere, a cleansing of the palate seems only fitting.
You should definitely go ahead and connect with Adomni at...
And Niio Art at...
Listen to the podcast on OOH Insider
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