Full-Motion DOOH: Driving ROI, Results, and a Whole Lot of Awareness

Published: June 5, 2023

A common misconception among advertisers is digital out-of-home (DOOH) is not results-driven. That could be farther from the truth. In reality, the advertising medium has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, debunking the notion that DOOH is an immeasurable abyss. With advancements in technology and data analytics, advertisers now have access to a treasure trove of metrics and insights. They can assess the reach of their campaigns, measure lower-funnel KPIs, and even optimize their ad strategy to fit the current surroundings. The evolution of full-motion DOOH has unfolded expectations, shattering the belief that it is a forgettable and untrackable channel. 

In fact, a recent study by Ooh!Media’s revealed the power of full-motion OOH creative. Brands using this dynamic format experienced a 187% increase in buyers compared to those solely relying on static digital. More so, advertisers saw a 66% increase in new customers – three times greater than the broader category. This data solidifies that DOOH effectively and efficiently captures audience attention in high dwell environments at scale, making it an efficient and impactful advertising avenue.

Founder and CEO of  WOW Media, Scott Krantz, expressed his perspective on full-motion OOH for AdAge, emphasizing its superiority over static ads and online digital wallpaper. According to Krantz, static ads and radio spots have become forgettable, while full motion is sticky—it enables brands to create and deliver a compelling story or message that evokes an emotional response from the viewer. 

Bubly, a notable sparkling water brand, experienced proof of DOOH's programmatic data-driven power through its collaboration with Adomni. By leveraging audience data and dayparting, Bubly achieved optimal campaign outcomes. Its "Bubly and Chill" summer campaign strategically targeted billboards near retail locations and place-based screens in grocery and convenience stores, effectively reaching audiences in a shopping mindset and captivating them with full-motion creative. This successful campaign serves as a testament to the ability of DOOH to leverage data-driven approaches for impactful advertising strategies, seeing a 178% ROAS

Even more so, a neuroscience study conducted by Ocean and Neuro-Insight in the U.K. revealed that full-motion DOOH advertising is 2.5 times more impactful than static. The research delved into the performance of video content compared to online platforms, demonstrating that people are more likely to notice full-motion DOOH ads than any other medium. These findings highlight the inherent effectiveness and attention-grabbing nature of full-motion DOOH advertising!

To maintain top-of-mind awareness, enhance purchase intent, and increase brand awareness among hybrid remote workers and high-level decision-makers, HP turned to the most effective advertising medium available: DOOH (digital out-of-home). The DOOH campaign utilized Adomni’s capabilities to blanket key markets and target tech industries, commuting routes, and conferences when workers and high-level decision-makers were most receptive. As a result of the targeting tactics and utilizing full-motion creative where supported, the campaign increased brand opinion and purchase intent by 30%, boosted brand consideration by 36%, and generated a 39% lift in ad recall!  

It is evident that DOOH advertising has defied the misconception of being unmeasurable and ineffective. The evolution of full-motion advertising, coupled with advancements in technology and data analytics, has provided advertisers with a wealth of metrics and insights to measure the impact of their DOOH campaigns! With the ability to capture audience attention, increase brand awareness, and drive desired outcomes, DOOH presents a compelling opportunity for advertisers. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us at concierge@adomni.com.

Written By: Julia Cramer

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